The Border Cheviot is perfect for the shepherd looking to develop a flock that is
independent, hardy, thrifty, and productive.

Our Border Cheviots…
-Consistently lamb unassisted
-Thrive in our harsh West-Central MN climate
-Perform on a nearly 100% forage-based diet. We supplement a small amount of oats only during flushing and again during lactation.
-Mature ewes (two years or older) >180% lamb crop
-Ewe lambs are fertile for fall breeding at 7-9 months and successfully lamb singles unassisted if properly managed
-Produce a well-fleshed light market lamb of 80-100lbs at 6-8 months, on 100% forage
-Market lambs consistently outperform our Katahdin market lambs on a pound per pound hanging weight basis by 5-10% at 6 months. We’ve raised Katahdin market lambs with our Cheviot market lamb flock, starting in 2016.
We have over a decade of experience raising Border Cheviots using management intensive grazing (MiG) adaptive grazing methods. Combining the Cheviot with MiG improves our farm profitability by significantly increasing pasture carrying capacity and eliminates the need for dewormers and the stress of unnecessary handling.
2024 Pricing for Purebred Cheviot Breeding Stock
-Ram lamb
-Ewe lamb
-Yearling Ewe
Late Fall Delivery
All breeding stock orders require a $25/head downpayment. Yearling ewes have successfully weaned a lamb during their first lambing season.